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"Love is a stranger In an open car To tempt you in And drive you far away Love is a stranger In an open car To tempt you in And drive you far away And I want you And I want you And I want you So it's an obsession And I want you And I want you And I want you So it's an obsession Love is a danger Of a different kind To take you away And leave you far behind And love, love, love Is a dangerous drug You have to receive it And you still can't Get enough of the stuff It's savage and it's cruel It shines like destruction Comes in like the flood And it seems like religion It's noble and it's brutal It distorts and deranges And it wrenches you up And you're left like a zombie And I want you And I want you And I want you So it's an obsession It's guilt edged Glamorous and sleek by design You know it's jealous by nature False and unkind It's hard and restrained And it's totally cool It touches and it teases As you stumble in the debris And I want you And I want you And I want you So it's an obsession And I want you And I want you And I want you So it's an obsession And I want you And I want you And I want you So it's an obsession And I want you And I want you And I want you So it's an obsession "
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  • Unsure
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  • Miles on It
  • To The Moon
  • Sacrifice Tomorrow
  • Memories
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