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Текст песни
"Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light It's alright to have a good time, It's alright to feel brand new It's alright to let it out and let the vibe Bring out the best that's in you If you're feeling uptight you've got to let it go Cause the moment has arrived To let the music play and soothe your soul Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light (rap solo) It's alright to keep believin' We all have got to find a way So hold on tight, get it right, see the light I know we'll make a better day yes we will Cause if you're feeling uptight you've got to let it go Cause the moment has arrived To let the music play and soothe your soul Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light Let's make it alright, do it tonight, don't get uptight Keep rockin' til the morning light It's alright! "
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  • I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You
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  • Мир
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