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Слушать бесплатно My Own Soul’s Warning

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I tried going against my own soul's warning But in the end, something just didn't feel right Oh I tried diving even though the sky was storming I just wanted to get back to where you are If you could see through the banner of the sun Into eternity's eyes Like a vision reaching down to you Would you turn away? What if it knew you by your name? What kind of words would cut Through the clutter of the whirlwind of these days? I tried going against my own soul's warning And in the end, something just didn't feel right Oh I tried diving, even though the sky was storming Thunderheads were forming But man I thought I could fly And when I hit the ground It made a messed up sound And it kept on rattling through my days And cutting up my nights Like a goddamned knife And it got me thinking, no matter how far That I just wanted to get back to where you are I tried going against my own soul's warning But in the end, something just didn't feel right Oh I tried running from the memory and the mourning But the penalty kept on pouring And now I think I know why 'Cause when I hit the ground It made a messed up sound And it kept on rattling through my days And cutting up my nights Like a goddamned knife And it got me thinking, no matter how far I just wanted to get back to where you are
  • Spirit
  • Joel The Lump Of Coal
  • Just Another Girl
  • Mr. Brightside (oneBYone bootleg)
    Drum & Bass
  • Pressure Machine
  • Desperate Things
  • In Another Life
  • Runaway Horses
  • Sleepwalker
  • Cody
  • Terrible Thing
  • Quiet Town
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